Chaloupka, Holyoke, Snyder, Chaloupka, Longoria & Kishiyama, PC, LLO
1714 Second Avenue, P.O. Box 2424
Scottsbluff, NE
Phone: (888) 769-6195
Fax: (308) 635-8000
Chaloupka, Holyoke, Snyder, Chaloupka, Longoria & Kishiyama, PC, LLO is a Scottsbluff, Nebraska based regional law firm. Five attorneys, with seventy five years of combined experience, and a staff of experienced legal assistants and support personnel work together as a team to provide aggressive, professional legal representation throughout Nebraska and the surrounding states. The firm provides its clients with a full range of legal services in areas including serious injury, death claims, medical malpractice, auto accidents, worker’s compensation, products liability, F.E.L.A. claims, social security, divorce, bankruptcy, business transactions, real estate, estate planning, probate and appellate practice. The firm takes pride in utilizing the latest technology to meet the goals of our clients and provide efficient, effective representation.