tax litigation
When the IRS Raises A New Matter on the Eve of Trial
During the course of litigating a tax matter, the IRS may increase the amount of tax, penalties, and interest that it alleges the taxpayer owes. The IRS is typically allowed to do this. If it does, the IRS may have a harder time prevailing on this type…
Improbable Position by IRS Sufficient to Impose Tax
The Transupport, Inc. v. Commissioner, No. 17-1265 (1st Cir. 2018) case involved evidence that was not sufficient to support imposing a penalty, but the same evidence was sufficient to hold the taxpayer liable for the tax. The case provides an …..
The U.S. Tax Court Can Order the IRS to Make Refunds
There are a number of forums for litigating tax disputes, such as the U.S. Tax Court. There are pros and cons associated with bringing suit in each forum. Taxpayers often pass on litigating cases in the U.S. Tax Court in cases when they are seeking a r…
Court Affirms that Tax Prepearer Fraud Holds Open Assessment Statute
In Finnegan v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2016-118, the U.S. Tax Court refused to reconsider its previous decision that a tax return preparers fraud keeps the statute of limitations open on the taxpayer’s Federal income tax return. The facts and procedural history are as follows: On February 7, 2013, the IRS issued a notice of deficiency […]
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