Miranda Alliance LLC
Two Allen Center, 1200 Smith Center, Suite 1600
Houston, TX
Phone: (713) 353-3977
Fax: (713) 353-8806
At Miranda we believe in alliances. Not all types of alliances, though. We believe in an alliance that respects and preserves the independence and autonomy of the lawyers and firms from different jurisdictions in which every lawyer shares the same values of the highest professionalism, excellence, knowledge, dedication, honesty and service to the client. Our concept of alliance involves the long term sharing of people, knowledge and information, where lawyers are able to work together with a single purpose no matter what separates them. In our concept of alliance, geographical distance, languages and even cultural differences are just small obstacles easy to overcome whenever the same fundamental values are shared by everyone. Unsurprisingly, these were the foundations on which we have formed and over the years built our own alliance, the Miranda Alliance.