MWR Legal & Moster Wynne Ressler
Samson-Hendricks Building, 620 Congress Avenue, Third Floor, Suite 320
Austin, TX
Phone: (512) 320-0601
Fax: (512) 320-0695
Moster Wynne Ressler (MWR Legal) is a top-rated* business law firm founded by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs and their emerging companies. We offer a unique perspective on how to launch, protect and grow a business because we have advised hundreds of entrepreneurs on the development of their ideas and companies. This includes our own entrepreneurial experience as we started the firm from the ground-up in 1996. We provide a powerful combination of real-world legal advice and business consulting, as well as robust community resources and insight. MWR Legal also advises investors throughout Texas. We work alongside our clients and their financial advisors to evaluate opportunities and to structure the relationships that lead to exciting new deals. MWR Legal represents clients from start-up through growth, financing, acquisitions, restructuring and exits. What Stage is Your Business In?